Mission Haiti Inc.

What We Do


Knowing that education is key to the future of Haiti, MHI supports two schools, sponsors students in primary and secondary school, and provides university scholarships. 

Find out more here: 

Elder Care

Believing in the right to dignity at all stages of life, Mission Haiti Inc. helps provide peace of mind and quality of life for the elderly, ill, or abandoned women at The Village of Jesus.

Find out more here: 

Sustainable Farming

Bethleem Farm is a growing and thriving example of sustainable, local agriculture. The farm produces cash crops such as sugar cane, as well as a variety of fruits, veggies, & livestock. 

Find out more here: 

How You Can Help  -- See the Need. Be Part of the Solution. 

The Mission Haiti Inc.


The Mission Haiti Inc. Legacy Endowment Fund and The Phyllis Sheehan Educational Endowment  honor our commitment to long-term, consistent support, and insure a stable and growing source of revenue to fulfill our mission. Thank you. 


Donate and Give

the Gift of Hope

Without you, we can't do what we do! Mission Haiti Inc. depends on our generous donors to help provide on-going monthly support to our two schools, elder care home, farm, and to fund special projects or emergencies as needed. Please give generously. Thank you. 


Sponsor a Student or Give a University Scholarship

Help break the cycle of poverty, and sponsor a student in primary school or secondary school, or help provide a university scholarship. Please visit our Sponsorships and Scholarships page to learn more. Or choose your level of donation below. Thank you!


Thank you, Sisters Rising Worldwide!

Mission Haiti, Inc. expresses its deep gratitude to Sisters Rising Worldwide for the recent award of $35,000!

​​Mission Haiti Inc. of Minneapolis, MN is grateful for the work that is

happening within the U.S. Federation of Sisters of St. Joseph to help
support a significant financial base for the Haiti Trade School, located in
Delmas, near Port au Prince, Haiti. Mission Haiti partners with Reiser
Relief of Coon Rapids, MN to provide financial support for this trade
school. Among its numerous ministries in Haiti, the Companions of Jesus,
a Haitian women’s religious congregation, administer this school. Mission
Haiti and Reiser Relief partner in the effort to raise the $70,000 needed
annually to operate this school.

In spite of the devastating grip of Haiti’s unrelenting
gang violence, with the financial support of these
two organizations, the Sisters have begun a new
school year this past October 1 st . There are
currently 44 students enrolled in this trade school –
30 in culinary arts and 14 in clothing design.
Remarkably, the recent graduates of the Haiti Trade School have managed
to both find and create employment opportunities, in spite of the effects of
gang activity on Haiti’s population and economic circumstances.


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Would you like to know more about us or sign up for our newsletter or mailing list? Please contact us below. 

Mailing Address

Mission Haiti Inc.
P.O. Box 19401

Minneapolis, MN 55419-0401

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© 2016-2022 Mission Haiti Inc. / Mission Haiti Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit.